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Men and penis size (and something called small penis syndrome)Women focus much more on a man’s personality and whether he is good-looking than the size of his penis, but men - it will not surprise you to learn - experience anxiety about penis size even when their cock is average, according to research published in the June 2007 issue of the British Journal Of Urology International.Dr Kevan Wylie of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital has found that though men appear to have a better body image, a better genital image and more sexual confidence when they have a large penis, women don’t go along with the idea that a bigger penis is a better penis.
Dr Wylie co-operated with Mr Ian Eardley of St James’ Hospital in Leeds
on a review of over fifty international research studies on the subject of penile size and
the so-called "small penis syndrome" which have been carried out since the early
1940's. (They do not report how the men discovered this practice!) The authors also commented that Indian men have long used weights to increase the length of their penises by stretching them, and that men from Borneo make holes in the glans of their penises into which they insert items such as small stones so as to stimulate their partners during sex. Anyhow, on the perhaps more interesting subject of penis size, one survey conducted among more than forty thousand heterosexual men and women discovered that two thirds of men believed that they had an average sized penis, while one man in five said he had a large penis, and about one man in ten said he had a small one. Although you might think this is encouraging (it's great that two thirds of men think they are average in size, though of course this is statistically impossible!), the bad news is that only half of these men said they were happy with the size of their penis. Apparently, average size just doesn't cut it! Interestingly, the women didn't share this view - over 85 per cent of women said they were happy or satisfied with their partner’s penile size. Of course, one of the things that men worry about
is whether their partners prefer a long cock or a thick one. It seems clear from
various research work that nine women in every ten prefer (or at least say they
prefer) a thick penis over
one that can poke her deepest vaginal recesses! What's also clear is that penis size
is not a factor of great importance for a woman when she considers what makes a
man attractive! There were many other fascinating pieces of information from this study. Bear in mind that this is not original research in the sense that the research team asked men these questions, as all they were doing was correlating other research published over a period of sixty years or so. But this does not detract from the interest in seeing how men perceive the penis!
For example, one of the studies
revealed that just over sixty percent of men who complained they had a small
penis said
their anxiety about penis size had begun during childhood comparisons. Another
thirty seven percent said that seeing porn in their teenage years was the root
of their sense of sexual inadequacy. A yeast infection may have a similar effect. These days, there is still some truth in this statement, although we would tend to regard sexual performance as being incredibly important to most men. This can be measured in terms of staying power, sexual stamina, or knowing how to last longer in bed. And what of the famous idea that the penis shrinks as a man gets older? Well, Wylie and Eardley could not find any differences when they looked at studies of older men, although common sense suggests that decreasing levels of male hormone, less sexual activity, and an increase in body fat must have some impact on the apparent or real size of the penis. This work didn't show whether different races have different sized penises, and this too remains unproven. Penis enlargement is a big area for scammers, tricksters and hucksters, and this study appeared to back up the suspicion that many of us feel towards the idea of penis enlargement, at least in some cases: the effectiveness of vacuum devices, penile extenders and traction devices remains unproven in every case. However, it's possible that men may gain some reassurance from them. As for enlargement surgery, the results are poorly documented and
significant side-effects all too common. complications can ensue. As Wylie observes, for the doctor who faces a man convinced that his penis is abnormally small or inadequately small, there are a number of treatment options. Education and self-awareness come first, followed by short-term therapy. However, penile extenders and surgery are neither effective nor satisfying in their effect to the man concerned. |